Once upon a time there was a poor family that dwelt in a humble hut hard by a great forest. Famine was spreading all over and the poor woodcutter didn’t know anymore how to feed his children: Hansel and Gretel.
“I have got an idea” said his wife one evening. “It isn’t a very nice thing, but I think that it would be better if we abandon our children into the wood, instead of watching them starving!
Tomorrow morning we will give them a loaf of bread and then…some saint will take care of them!”
The woman was so persuasive that she convinced her husband. The little Hansel had heard everything, but didn’t despair: he would have found a way to save himself and his little sister.
Next day, early in the morning, the parents woke up the children and took them into the thick forest. The smart Hansel, however, during the walk had marked the path throwing on the ground the breadcrumbs.
In this way, when their parents went away with an excuse, Hansel wasn’t afraid and he comforted his scared sister: “Don’t worry, Gretel, we will find the way back home on our own!” But, Woe is me! The hungry little birds of the forest, had eaten all the breadcrumbs and the little brothers wandered for a long time without finding the way back.
“Tomorrow, with the light of the sun, I am sure that we will find the way” was saying Hansel.
But the day came, and then followed another night; the two brothers laid down under a tree and they fell asleep.
But all at once…cheep! cheep! cheep! The chirp of a white bird that was flying over their heads woke them up. The children stood up and followed that nice little bird. But where was it taking them? Soon after, the little brothers arrived in front of a small house with the roof made of marzipan, the walls made of bread and the windows made of sugar. They had never seen something like that!
Hansel and Gretel rushed to crunch those delicacies, laughing happily.
But their joy lasted shortly because, suddenly, the doorway of the little house opened and it came out an old cripple woman, horribly ugly.
“Hey, you two! Are you hungry, don’t you? Come here! In my house I have something for you!”
The children followed the woman and she prepared a very exquisite dinner for them: “I will make the effort to let you fatten to a turn!” sneered the old woman, who, really, was a wicked witch, greedy of tender meat. The day after, the woman managed, with an excuse, to lock up Hansel into a coop.
Gretel cried and despaired, but it was useless. Every morning the witch was going to visit Hansel telling him: “Hand me your finger! I want to taste if you are already fattened!”
The smart Hansel always handed her a small bone of chicken. But one day the witch lost her patience and shouted: “Stop it! Fat or thin, this evening I am going to eat you anyway!”
And so Gretel was forced to light up the fire and place upon it a cauldron full of water, while the witch was busy to heat up the oven…in order to roast the poor Hansel!
When the oven was ready, the witch ordered the girl: “Go and check if it’s hot enough.” But Gretel understood the trap, and said with a naïve voice: “And how shall I do? Can you please show me?”
“But you are really good-for-nothing!” grumbled the witch getting closer to the oven and leaning her head into it. Then Gretel, quicker than a lightening, gave a good prompt to the witch and quickly closed the door.
“Hansel, oh my brother! We are safe! I am coming!” shouted the girl for her happiness.
The two brothers, finally reunited, hugged one each other very tight and started to explore the house of the witch. And what did they find? Cases full of gemstones, pearls, rubies and diamonds.
Afterwards the two children found back their way home, walking with a brisk walk. All at once Hansel exclaimed: “ Hey over there I can see our home. Come on, Gretel, we are arrived!” The two little brothers started to run with all their breath and when from the distance they got a glimpse of their father in front of the doorway, they started to shout: “Daddy, we are back! We will be together forever.” The man couldn’t believe in his eyes. Was it all real?
“Oh, my children!” exclaimed the father touched. “I missed you so much! Today you make me the happiest man in the world!”
“The happiest and the richest! Have a look to what we have …” said the children, showing to him all the treasures that they have found. The poor family of the woodcutter turned into one of the most united and richest families of the whole world!