Once upon a time there was a little girl very pretty and kind and everybody loved her. Her grandmother gave her a gift: a pretty red cloak with a little hood. And since that day the little girl was called Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her mother, said to Little Red Riding Hood: “Listen, my dear, your grandma has a very bad cold. Please take this basket to her, there is a snack inside. There are some waffles, fruits, a little pot of butter, jam and syrup. Be careful when you walk across the wood, never stop upon your way and don’t talk to anybody”.
The grandma in fact, lived in a small house two miles away from the village.
Little Red Riding Hood kissed her mom and set off for the house of her grandmother, jumping with a happy heart.
The girl didn’t have any fears, she knew very well the wood, and also she could hear far away the noise of the axes used by the woodcutters.
It was a gorgeous day…but suddenly, a big black wolf hard coated, jumped out. “Hi, pretty girl” he said with a very loud voice. “What is your name and where are you going so early?”
“My name is Little Red Riding Hood” she answered politely, with her big smile. She had never met a wolf before, and she didn’t know how it could be dangerous. “I am going to visit my grandma, she lives over there, in the white and pink house at the end of this path, and I am taking her a snack”
“Wow” thought the wolf. “What a deal: two in once, grandma and niece, this is the good time to make myself full for a whole month…but I have to act very carefully!”
“Listen, Little Red Riding Hood” he said with a loud and sweet voice” What do you think if we make a challenge? I know another path, we will see who will get to your grandma’s house first”.
“That sounds ok” answered Little Red Riding Hood. “I know that this is the quickest path.”
But the Wicked Wolf, without listening her last words, set off running on all fours and, obviously, in a flash, he was right in front at the white and pink house of the grandma.
He stopped, he breathed again and he gently knocked on the doorway…toc toc toc!
“Who is there?” answered the grandma with a weak voice.
“I am Little Red Riding Hood, grandma. I am here with a snack for you” said the Wicked Wolf.
The grandma, slightly deaf, didn’t notice the different voice: “Pull the latch and come in!”
The wolf didn’t hesitate a while and with a jump he was in the house, he didn’t give to the miserable elderly grandma, not even the time to say “amen”, and he swallowed her in a gulp. Afterwards, he wore the bonnet of the old woman, he put on her glasses and went under the blankets, waiting for the girl.
He didn’t have to wait for long; after a while, in fact, he could hear knocking on the doorway.
“Who is there?” said the wolf with a hoarse voice.
“I am Little Red Riding Hood, grandma.”
“Pull the latch and come in!”
Little Red Riding Hood entered the dark room, she went close to the bed and said:
“But grandma, what a bad voice you have, so hoarse…”
“Well, the better to talk to you, honey.”
“And what big eyes you have…”
“The better to see with, my dear.”
“And your arms, so long and hairy…”
“The better to embrace you, my joy.”
“And what a big mouth…”
“The better to eat you with! Yum!” and jumping out of the bed the Wicked Wolf swallowed Little Red Riding Hood in a gulp.
Now he was really full, and he was so so sleepy!
And so, in order to digest in peace, the wolf lied down again in the bed, and he fell asleep.
He was snoring so loud that the glasses of the window started to tremble.
That big noise, called the attention of a hunter: “This is very weird, maybe the old grandma doesn’t feel right” he thought worried”. “It is better to have a look.”
And his amazement was so great when, entering the house, he saw the wolf lying down in the bed.
“Look this Wicked, now I will cook his goose!”
He pulled out a long and very sharp bowie knife and…zac, with a precise blow he cut the stomach of the wolf and… Little Red Riding Hood and the grandma jumped out, almost suffocated but safe and sound. I won’t tell you the astonishment of the hunter and the happiness of the girl and her grandma!