Scopri, impara e cresci

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs, they were three brothers and they lived all together. But one day, they decided to go and live on their own, and to build houses for themselves.
The wisest of them said: “I have decided to build a house of bricks, because it is very strong and therefore the Big Wicked Wolf will not catch me.”
“I think” said the second Little Pig, who was quite lazy “that I will build it with the canes that I found next to the pond. I will make a very nice little house, enough strong, and you will see that the Big Wicked Wolf won’t catch me too!”
“For me” said the third Little Pig, who was very very lazy and also quite braggart “it’s enough a cute hut made of straw; in the fields around here there is a lot of it…And moreover, I am not afraid at all of the Big Wicked Wolf!”
But, as you understood, around there, was really leaving a Wicked Wolf, and he was very greedy of little pigs. So, when the Wolf learned that the Little Pigs were coming around, he started immediately to hunt. As soon as he caught sight of the straw hut, he scratched well his hands, he shook his tail, took a deep breathe, and blowing with all his breathe, he kicked over the hut.
The Big Wicked Wolf was already going to bite the pink little pig, but the pig, faster than a lightning, running with all the strengths he had, went to knock on the door of the second Little Pig, the one with the house made of canes.
“Hurry up, open the door, the Wolf is running after me and he wants to eat me…”
The little brother opened the door and the two little pigs, hugging one each other very tight, trembling as leaves in the wind, waited for the Big Wicked Wolf to come.
In fact, soon after he arrived, and noticing the little house made of canes, he made a very big laugh: “Foolish” he thought “They believe to be safe. But I am very strong and with two blows I will destroy the house, and then I will eat the two Little Pigs!”
And in fact, blowing and blowing as a mighty wind, also the second little house collapsed. The two little pigs, fortunately, dragged by the very strong blow, flew away, and, once back on their feet, run to knock at the house of their wise brother, the one who has built a house with the bricks.
“Please, open the door, brother, or we will be gone: The Wolf is running after us…”
And the brother, having pity for the laments of the two silly and lazy brothers, opened the door and let them enter safe into his very strong house.
When the Wolf arrived, he was at the height of his anger and he was starving more than ever.
“Those two foolish escaped for a close call, but now I will cook their goose” shouted the Wolf furious.” “With my strong blow, I will crush down this house too and finally I will eat all three Little Pigs, ah, ah, ah…”
But the wolf didn’t square things up with the smart Little Pig, the oldest of the three. His house had solid basis and the bricks were stronger than the rock. The Wolf pumped up his lungs, he took a run-up and getting closer to the house he huffed and he puffed but the house was still standing.
In the meantime the Little Pigs, inside the house, were laughing satisfied. At this point, the oldest Pig said: “Now, my brothers, let’s set a very good joke for the Wolf. Help me to place on the fire a big pot of water. If the Wolf acts as I believe, you will see what it will happen.” Then, going closer to the window, he said aloud: “The Wolf is really silly, he doesn’t know that he could rappel himself from the chimney!”
Hearing these words, the Wolf, regained a glimmer of hope. Nimble as a cat, he climbed up on the roof of  the house, laughing for the stupidity of the Little Pigs. “How naïve” he thought while going down the chimney, without making noise. “Without knowing, they suggested me how to get into the house. All the worse for them!”
But the wicked didn’t know what was going to happen to him and when he got to the end of the dark chimney, he fell into the pot full of water and he died as a boiled chicken!
And since that day the Three Little Pigs lived all together in the biggest house, happy and glad, and naturally, the youngest pigs learned their lesson.